Tatt2away: Tattoo Removal
Tatt2away is a non-laser form of tattoo removal. Tatt2away is a revolutionary technique that focuses on absorbing tattoo ink from the deeper layers of the skin and bringing them to the skin's surface for ink removal. The removal solution Terpsol is applied to your unwanted tattoo , in a similar method to tattooing, and over the next three weeks the removal process will take place. On each treatment area a scab will develop, starting out flush with the skin and slowly taking on a dome like shape. The treatment scabs contains all ink being extracted by the removal solution Terpsol. On week four, post Tatt2away treatment, all scabs will start to fall off revealing your Tatt2away results. Results can vary depending on age of the tattoo, location, previous tattoo removal history and lifestyle.Typically tattoos require multiple treatments, depending of tattoo size, to achieve full removal.
Tatt2away Options:
Full Removal:
Full Removal is treating the entire tattoo until all areas have been treated by Tatt2away. The goal is to completely remove a tattoo at best 99%, but there can't be no guarantees when dealing with so many unknown variables such as tattoo application, inks used, and client history & lifestyle.
Partial Removal:
Partial Removal of an unwanted tattoo is a great option when considering a new tattoo in its' place. Cover-up tattoos no longer have to be a large black out tattoo. Receiving a few sessions of Tatt2away can open up your tattoo options to various tattoo artist, a more dynamic tattoo design, color options, and diverse tattoo styles so you end up with personalized and beautiful tattoo.
*I work closely with the artist at Black Lotus Tattoo Gallery and can inquire about cover-up options for you. Please mention this in your "Description of Unwanted Tattoo" when requesting a quote for Tatt2away.
Removal for
Tattoo Correction:
Oops!! In removing to correct a tattoo mistake, Tatt2away is a great option. Whether it be a misspelled name, wrong birthday, or design error; Tatt2away can be selective in removing tattoo errors so your artist can make it right again!